Federal Transition Updates: Please see Federal Transition Updates 2025 for the latest federal executive orders and research activities.
PI Dashboard
The Office of the Vice Provost for Research has partnered with GW's Business Intelligence Services to provide principal investigators (PIs) with powerful online tools to access personalized award information. The research community can use these tools to make more informed project decisions by viewing financial and human resources information about awards at summarized and detailed levels.
Your full email address and password should be used when logging into PI Dashboard. If you do not have access to PI Dashboard, see below for instructions on requesting access.
Benefits of PI Dashboard
PI Dashboard is designed to reduce administrative burden, increase transparency and streamline the financial management of awards.
- View summary and detail reports, interactive visualizations and transaction details
- User-friendly interface shows up-to-date information on a grant’s expenditures including salary distributions, travel budgets and subaward details
- Reporting is dynamic, so researchers can get a birds-eye view of their project or drill down into specific expenses
- Information can be exported as an Excel spreadsheet
- PI Dashboard is accessible from anywhere, via a single login
Request Access to PI Dashboard
Due to the sensitive nature of the data in PI Dashboard, access is secured and must be granted for each individual user. Requests for access must be made by the PI or a department chair. To request access to PI Dashboard, please first ensure you have EAS access, then send an email to [email protected] that includes:
- Full name of the person to be granted access
- GW UserID of the person to be granted access
- EAS award number(s) for which you are requesting access
- The individual's role on this/these award(s)
Those who already have access may use their GW UserID credentials whenever prompted to log in.
If you are accessing this page from outside of the GW network, you must establish a secure VPN connection before being able to log into the PI Dashboard. Please review the "Virtual Private Network (VPN)" information on the GWIT website.
Your feedback is important! If you have any comments or questions about the PI Dashboard, please send your thoughts to: [email protected].