Federal Research Updates: Please see Federal Research Updates 2025 for the latest updates on executive orders and policies impacting federally funded research.

Subrecipient Invoicing Process

Subrecipients should submit quarterly invoices that must be reviewed by the GW principal investigator (PI) for programmatic matters and timeliness of deliverables. The PI’s review and signature indicate that the programmatic progress is satisfactory and the financial consideration requested is in line with the budget and progress made to date.

A checklist for reviewing subrecipient invoices (PDF) is available to assist PIs with this process.

Sub-awards that have additional monitoring conditions or contain an “R” require backup documentation for expenses be accompanied with each invoice submitted to GW through the process below.

  1. The subrecipient sends invoices directly to the PI.
  2. The PI reviews and approves the invoices. (The PI’s signature indicates that the programmatic progress is satisfactory and that the financial consideration is in line with the budget and progress made to date.)
  3. Designated department administrator submits the invoices via the Accounts Payable System.

Questions regarding invoices submitted for sub-award work can be directed to the Subaward Analyst listed as Owner on the specific sub-award record in myResearch .