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PI Dashboard Data Dictionary
This page contains an alphabetical list of data elements used in the PI Dashboard, and a brief description. To search for a specific data element, please use your browser’s “Find” ability to type in the data element you are searching for.
If you have additional questions, please email [email protected]
Accounting Period | The month and year for which you wish to view the available budget and expenditures |
Active Encumbrance Amount | The current remaining dollar amount of the requisition/purchase order (original amount - amount paid) |
Award Close Date | The date that the final financial report is due on an award - all expenses must be posted and all revenue and invoicing completed by this date |
Award End Date | The last date that expenditures can be incurred on an award (the end of an award's period of performance) |
Award Number | The number used by GW and EAS to identify an award (different from the sponsor award number). This number follows a "smart numbering" system (i.e. CCLS91234F is a cost based award for the medical center that is funded by a federal sponsor through letter of credit) |
Award Short Name | The name given by the GW PI to an award |
Award Start Date | The date expenses, revenue, and invoice can begin to be incurred on an award |
Award Status | Indicates what status the award is in - Active is the usual status (can incur expenses, revenue and invoice). At Risk allows expenses, but not revenue or invoice. On Hold allows revenue and invoice, but not expenses. Closed means no more activity |
Award Type | Indicates whether an award is a Grant, Contract, Internal Funding or Pharmaceutical |
Balance (Deficit) | The remaining balance (Budget - Actuals - Encumbrances) of an award |
Batch Number | The number of the expenditure batch that the transaction was a part of ( e.g. the payroll interface run) |
Budget Amount | Sponsor approved budget by expenditure category |
Commitment Description | The description field from the requisition line entered at the time of the initiation |
Commitment Number | Number that identifies a commitment/encumbrance |
Cumulative Actual | Cumulative Actual expenses spent on the award to date |
Employee/Supplier Name | The name of the employee or supplier that was paid |
Encumbrance Amount | Amount of the encumbrances for an award |
Encumbrance Type | Identifies whether the encumbrance is a Requisition, Purchase Order or Unpaid Invoice. |
Expenditure Category | The category of expense (i.e. compensation, travel) |
Expenditure Comment | The comment or description of the expenditure |
Expenditure Date | The transaction date of the expense |
Expenditure Type | The specific expenditure type that is tied to a GL account number (i.e. faculty Salary, non-faculty Salary) |
Funding Source Description | The sponsor name (the entity providing GW the funding) |
Natural Account | The GL account number that corresponds to the expenditure type |
Original Encumbrance Amount | The dollar amount of the original Requisition or Purchase Order |
Original Quantity | The quantity of the original Requisition or Purchase Order |
PA Date | The date the expense was posted to EAS Grants |
Period Actual | The actual expenses incurred during the specific period |
PI Full Name | Principal investigator's full name |
Project Number | The number used by GW and EAS to identify a project |
Quantity | The current quantity of the Requisition or Purchase Order |
Spending Level | Spending level for an award indicating percentage of budget spent |
Supplier Invoice Number | Invoice number |
Task Number | The number used by GW and EAS to identify a task |
Total Expenditure | The amount of the expense |
Notifications and Indicator Fields |
Awards Ending in 90 days or Less | Indicates that an award is ending in 90 days or less (based on award end date) |
Funding Modification Notification | Indicates that a funding modification has been made to an award |
New Award Notification | Indicates that a new award has been created in EAS |
Exceeds Budget Notification | Indicates that the expenditures of an award has exceeded its budget |
Passed Funds Check Indicator | A flag indicating whether the transaction has passed funds check |
Your feedback is important! If you have any comments or questions about the PI Dashboard, please send your thoughts to: [email protected]