Federal Transition Updates: Please see Federal Transition Updates 2025 for the latest federal executive orders and research activities.
myResearch FAQs
Don't see your question here? Email [email protected].
System Questions
myResearch was made available to the campus community on Tuesday, February 22, 2022. From that date forward, all proposals must be developed, routed, and submitted via myResearch. Login to myResearch.
- Which sponsored award activities will occur in myResearch?
myResearch will integrate proposal and non-financial award administration activities. A number of processes and functions will not be impacted by myResearch including research integrity and compliance functions (e.g., IRB, IACUC, IBC, COI/FCOI) and financial or human resource processes (e.g., hiring, labor effort, procure-to-pay, iBuy+, invoicing, and award closeout).
- Will other administrative offices that partner with OVPR have access to myResearch?
Yes. OVPR has worked with other offices to provide access to relevant information within myResearch. This access is part of an effort to improve transparency and efficiencies when possible. myResearch utilizes GW's single sign-on (SSO). The system can be accessed by visiting https://myresearch.gwu.edu and logging in with GW credentials. Email [email protected] if you have questions about your role and access.
- Who has access to what information and tabs within myResearch? Are some tabs and information only accessible to staff within OVPR?
Each role has their own access and permissions, but most items within myResearch are accessible to all. A detailed table can be found in the training document.
- Will myResearch be the repository for all proposal and award documents going forward? Is GWDocs going away with the implementation of myResearch?
GWDocs will remain in place and store all proposal and award documents generated prior to the launch of myResearch. If your proposal was routed or your award was executed within myResearch, access to your proposal and award files will be within myResearch.
- What is the platform that supports myResearch?
myResearch leverages the Grants and Agreements modules of the Huron Research Suite.
- How can I get training on the myResearch system?
Training details are available on our website. If you would like to schedule a session for a specific group of research faculty and/or administrators, please email us at [email protected] and we will try to accommodate the request.
- What is the difference between an email, correspondence, and a comment?
Correspondence, emails, and comments are all separate functions within myResearch that can be referenced and tracked within the system. Emails can be sent from myResearch to the recipient(s) externally, correspondence can be routed internally to users, and comments can be used as review tools, internally as well. All functions are to enhance the communication within the system for users and their clients.
Migration of Historic Proposal and Award Data
Migration of proposal and award data is complete. Records for proposals submitted within the last five years as well as all active awards can now be found within myResearch.
- What data was migrated from Cayuse to myResearch?
Basic proposal data for proposals submitted within the past five years and/or for proposals still connected to active awards will be migrated.
- Data that will be migrated includes the proposal number, PI name, department, sponsor and budgeted amount (total direct costs and total indirect costs).
- Data/information that will not be migrated includes detailed budgets and any attachments associated with proposals. If you wish to retain access to these documents, you must download them from Cayuse before Wednesday, February 16, 2022. The GW community will not have access to Cayuse after March 2022.
- How are migrated records identified?
- Migrated records will be labeled with “This is a migrated record” at the top of the page.
- Migrated proposal records will be numbered with “FP” followed by the Cayuse proposal number (e.g., FP22-1234567890)
- Migrated award records will be numbered with “AWD” followed by the project number (e.g., AWD12345)
- What is the content of migrated records?
Migrated records contain proposal demographic information such as the proposal number, PI name, department, sponsor, and budgeted amount (total direct costs and total indirect costs). Detailed budgets will be added to these records if required to set-up or modify an award.
Detailed information on historic proposals or awards can be retrieved from GWDocs at any time. Individuals may also reach out to their assigned Research Administration Pod staff or the Office of Sponsored Projects with additional questions.
- What if I have problems finding or accessing data?
Upon logging in to myResearch, if you have any problems finding or accessing records which you expected to see, please contact [email protected] with proposal or award details.
- Will all the current award information from PI dashboard be moved to the new system?
No, Information does not move from PI Dashboard to myResearch. PI Dashboard is a visualization of data contained within Enterprise Accounting System (EAS) and Banner. PI dashboard is a source for additional visuals and drill-down expense capabilities within each award/project. PI Dashboard will continue to be available to the research community.
Proposal Development
- Does the principal investigator (PI) have automatic edit/read access when the proposal is created or do they need to be added as Administrative Personnel and given edit/read rights?
Yes, the PI has automatic edit/read access.
- How long does it take to add sponsors when requested in General Proposal Information?
It typically takes one business day to add a sponsor. The requestor will receive email notification when the sponsor has been added and is available to select.
- I am trying to make edits to the proposal, but it appears to be locked.
Form pages are locked during department and central office reviews. Attachments can be added at any time.
- Why is the proposal initiator not receiving notifications when the specialists send comments?
The individual must add themselves as the Administrative Contact in order to receive the notifications.
- I am trying to add personnel but they are not available to be chosen when I click on the 3 dots.
If you need to add personnel that is not available in the system, please send an email request to [email protected] with the individual’s name, userID, preferred GW email address, and GWID number.
- If someone answers “yes” to any of the compliance questions, is there a text box to give more details, and should documentation be uploaded?
Yes, a text box will appear, and you are able to enter an explanation. There is also a section to upload documentation.
- Can boxes be edited at a later date, e.g., after more work is done on the proposal?
You can return to edit a proposal before submission to the sponsor. An ‘Edit Funding Proposal’ button will appear.
- Do we have to get an email approval from the PI that they endorse the proposal?
An endorsement from the PI is required. The PI can send an email within the myResearch system or they can log in and approve and submit the endorsement.
- Can a “TBD” personnel be added?
Yes, TBD personnel can be added in the budget.
- What if the prime sponsor is not listed within myResearch?
Within myResearch there is a form to request the sponsor be added to the system.
- For NIH proposals, is the draft section using the Application Submission System & Interface for Submission Tracking (ASSIST) functions at grants.gov? Or is this system independent of ASSIST?
This system is independent of ASSIST. ASSIST is an NIH developed/managed system which is separate from myResearch.
Budget Development
- Do I still need to add a GW internal budget in excel and pdf in the Attachments section?
No, the Smart Budget Form is the new GW Internal Budget. Please add an excel budget or a budget in another format only when requested by the sponsor. You should still use the myResearch Budget Smart Form to create the internal budget.
- Are we able to download data from budgets that have been entered into myResearch so that we can see the budget in a spreadsheet?
Yes, although the exported spreadsheet will not contain formulas, budgets entered into myResearch can be exported into an excel spreadsheet.
- What happens when the GW salary is larger than the granter allowed salary (e.g., National Institutes of Health (NIH)). Is that automatically cost-shared?
A GW salary above the NIH salary limitation (currently $203,700 effective 1/2/22) will continue as "auto cost-share."
- If our proposal uses a non-standard “total direct costs” indirect rate, which doesn’t use Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC), would it automatically calculate? How can we customize what it calculates Indirect Costs (IDCs) on, if the sponsor gives non-standard guidelines?
There is a way to override special exclusions from indirect costs. Please work with your sponsored research administrator on this process.
- I have added a person to my proposal’s budget. Their role is listed as “Other (Specify)”. Now I don’t see them as an option in the budget. What should I do?
Personnel with the role of “Other (Specify)” do not usually commit effort (“Other significant contributors (OSCs) commit to contribute to the scientific development or execution of the project but are not committing any specified measurable effort (person months or percent effort) to the project.”). Key Personnel should have one of the other roles listed in the project role dropdown menu. Once their role is adjusted, they will be able to be added to the budget.
- Users are receiving error messages indicating they do not have permission to access the SF424 form. How do I resolve this?
All personnel (e.g., readers and editors) should be added to the Funding Proposal prior to selecting “Create/Update SF424”. After the SF424 has been created, a department admin or sponsored projects administrator (SPA) must add the personnel in the SF424 Workspace under "Assign Editors & Readers".
- Can I download the SF424 R&R Budget Forms to be used for nonfederal sponsors that request the budget in this format?
The “Create SF424” function is only available for federal proposals. SF424 forms can be downloaded from Grants.gov.
- Will Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs) and Data Use Agreements (DUAs) be initiated and routed within myResearch?
Yes. MTAs and DUAs can be initiated, routed, and tracked through myResearch. Review the Proposal Module Guide for additional guidance.
EAS Integration
- Will the EAS integration include the Indirect cost (IDC) rate/cost schedule chosen?
Yes. IDC rates and cost schedules are selected at the proposal stage, are vetted through the award acceptance process, and are integrated into our accounting system.
- What happens if the award is not funded at the requested level? How does the budget get updated and into EAS?
The department will have the ability to update the budget during the award acceptance and setup process within the budget reconciliation functionality.
- Will the myResearch award number (AWD) replace the Project/Task/Award (PTA) numbers used in Enterprise Accounting System (EAS) or will the PTA number appear somewhere in myResearch?
myResearch uses unique identifiers for its own records and utilizes prefixes such as “AWD” or “FP”. The EAS PTA can be found and is a searchable value within myResearch.